Terms and conditions - Taalhuis Amsterdam

Terms and conditions

Privacy statement

All information provided to Taalhuis Amsterdam will remain confidential and will be dealt with with the utmost care. The collected data will not be provided to third parties.

Requesting non-binding information

By requesting information about a class, you only demonstrate your interest in this class. No obligations or rights can be derived from our response to your enquiries. We cannot guarantee a spot in a certain course. These general terms and conditions apply after final enrolment for a course has been processed.

1. Group courses:

Enrolling for a course

Upon receipt of the enrolment form or a written confirmation by e-mail, an enrolment for a group course or private lesson is completed and the student agrees with these terms and conditions.

Duration of the agreement

Following enrolment, the agreement with the student is valid until the end of the course for which they have enrolled.

Cancelled classes

Scheduled lessons of group courses that, for whatever reason, are cancelled by Taalhuis Amsterdam, will be rescheduled at the end of the course. Students should therefore be aware that the end date of a course might be extended.

Missed lessons

Missed group lessons cannot be rescheduled. However, at the discretion of Taalhuis Amsterdam and depending on availability, a missed class can sometimes be followed in another group. Each student must ensure that they complete the assigned homework and keep up with the level of the group. They can book an extra private lesson to compensate for the missed class against a catch-up fee of EUR 55,-.

Not enough registrations

If the course you’ve registered for has 3 registrations (sometimes only 2) we will switch from 1,5 hour to 1 hour classes.

Cancellation of a course

Taalhuis Amsterdam may decide to cancel a group course due to insufficient enrolments. In that case, the enrolled student(s) will no later than one week before the start of the course be notified hereof, and the full tuition fee will be refunded. In this case Taalhuis Amsterdam could suggest offering the course as a private course.

2. Private lessons

Packages expire twelve months after purchase. Packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.

If the student is prevented from taking part in a scheduled private lesson or catch-up class, they must report their absence by email to the teacher at the latest 48 hours before the start of the lesson. If this notification is sent within 48 hours of the start of the lesson, the lesson will be invoiced in full.

3. In-company lessons and courses

Please note that when cancelling an in-company course prior to the start of the course 50% of the course/lesson fee will be charged. If the course is cancelled one month (or later) prior to the start/or during the course, 100% of the course fee is billed.

Cancelling a lesson
If a lesson needs to be cancelled and rescheduled, this is possible up to 48 hours prior to the start of the lesson by informing both Taalhuis Amsterdam and the teacher via email. If Taalhuis Amsterdam and the teacher are notified within 48 hours of the start of the class, the lesson will count towards the total number of agreed lessons and cannot be rescheduled. 

4. Events

Registrations for events are non-refundable and non-transferable to another event. You can transfer your ticket to another person, please notify us.

5. Trips

For most trips we ask a non-refundable deposit (between €100,- and €250,-) upon registration. Registrations for trips can be cancelled with no additional costs up until a month before the start of the trip. Bookings that are cancelled closer to departure are non-refundable and non-transferable.


Method of payment

Payments can be done via iDEAL or creditcard or by invoice. The following account details and the reference number as stated on the invoice should be used to pay by bank transfer:

Account holder: Taalhuis Amsterdam

IBAN number: NL82TRIO0197853730

The invoice period is 14 days after receipt of the invoice.
Payment in instalments is possible.

Lesson fees

Lesson and course fees are published on www.taalhuisamsterdam.nl. There will be no deviations from these fees unless otherwise agreed. Quoted course fees are free of VAT, and exclusive of books or other class material, unless otherwise communicated. Other services, such as translation services and business language training are exclusive of 21% VAT.

Amendment of fees

Fees are subject to change.

Refund of tuition fee

Upon enrolment, the student is obliged to pay the tuition fee for the full course. Refund of the tuition fee will take place if the student revokes their enrolment at the latest two weeks before the start of the course. If cancellation is requested within two weeks before the start of the course, the student may send a written request for reimbursement to info@taalhuisamsterdam.nl with statement of the reasons thereof. In case of a refund, EUR 50 of administrative fees will be deducted. After the start of the course, the student does not have any right to reimbursement of the fees with respect to the remaining lessons and can not reclaim those lessons in a later course.

Guarantee and complaints procedure

Taalhuis Amsterdam guarantees that lessons that are paid for are actually provided to the students. In addition Taalhuis Amsterdam guarantees the quality and reliability of the courses and strives to continuously optimize this quality and reliability. Any complaints may be submitted in writing and will be responded to in writing at all times. The nature of the complaint must be clearly described. A complaint can never be submitted anonymously. When handling complaints lodged in writing, full confidentiality is ensured. We will respond to a written complaint within four weeks. Receipt of a complaint will be confirmed.


Taalhuis Amsterdam is not liable for any damage to persons and/or property, or for the loss of personal property that may in any way be associated with activities organized by Taalhuis Amsterdam, regardless of the cause of the damage or loss.

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