Greek grammar workshop - ο ενεστώτας - Taalhuis Amsterdam

Greek grammar workshop – ο ενεστώτας

The verb is the ‘boss’ in a sentence and tells us who is doing something, when and sometimes even in which ‘mood’ the action happens! This grammar workshop is dedicated to the Greek present tense (ενεστώτας). Would you like to master or refresh the Greek verb conjugations of the five different verb types and practice the use of the present tense in various contexts – what are you doing at this very moment, but also what do you usually do, or what do you often so, or what do you never do? In this 2 hour session we will review the rules, look at many examples and give you plenty of exercises to put your grammar skills into practice.

Τα λέμε στις 24 Ιανουαρίου!

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