Koninginnedagborrel - Taalhuis Amsterdam


Yet another year without Koningsdag… but together we’ll remember the good old days when Koningsdag was still Koninginnedag! Koninginnedag? Yes! Koninginnedag! Before Willem-Alexander became Koning we lived under a very long succession of queens (1891-2013). Beatrix (reign: 1980-2013) was jarig on January 31st. Not an ideal time to have a vrijmarkt and spelletjes in the streets. So she kept Koninginnedag on the verjaardag of her own mother Juliana (reign: 1949-1980).

On the 30 of April we’ll host a virtual get-together to celebrate the occasion with some gezelligheid and the chance to practice your Dutch by socializing with some of your co-students. Are you a crazy good spy in Codenames, a talented painter in Scribbl, or do you identify as a werewolf in Wakkerdam? Would you like to discuss the Dutch monarchy? Be welcome! Wear something oranje!!

The Koninginnedagborrel starts at 18:00.

Participation is free – please register here and we’ll send you the link close to the event.

See you on 30 April!

These are the words you already know in Dutch!

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