In our Hebrew book club you’ll combine learning a language with the pleasure of reading a good book. In this class you will find a great variety of language input – from the book, the group and the teacher – and you will talk about the themes and topics of the book with other students. Your homework is to read a few stories of the book each week (around 10-15 pages per week) which, during the lesson, you will discuss with the group. You will be challenged by engaging activities themed around the book, the language and the characters.
This course is suitable for students with a B1 level or higher.
צינורות/ אתגר קרת Tzinorot by Etgar Keret:
צינורות הוא קובץ סיפורים קצרים מאת אתגר קרת, שיצא לאור בשנת 1992. זהו ספרו הראשון של קרת, ועם צאתו לאור זכה לביקורות טובות. הספר כולל 56 סיפורים קצרים המשקפים ומבטאים את השקפתו וכתיבתו המיוחדת של קרת. הסיפורים מלאי הומור, סרקזם, אהבה וביקורת על התרבות הישראלית.
This book is a collection of short stories written by Etgar Keret, first published in 1992. This is Keret’s first book, and it contains 56 short stories that reflect Keret’s unique style and sharp wit. The book includes humor, surrealism, and delves into everyday life and the Israeli society.
This book is a collection of short stories written by Etgar Keret, first published in 1992.
€ 25,00