Are you looking for a place where your child can learn Hebrew? Our Hebrew teacher Dor will teach your child the Hebrew alphabet and familiarise them with the sounds and symbols of the language using songs, flash cards, story books, speaking activities and cartoons. These courses are created specifically for children who have at least one parent/caretaker whose native language is Hebrew. Our alphabet programme consists of three courses. Scroll down to see which part(s) we offer in the upcoming trimester.
In the course Alphabet – part I, your child will learn the A-type vowel (קמץ פת), the first 11 letters of the alphabet ( א-כ : א,ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, כ/ך) and a lot of new words.
The course Alphabet – part II focuses on the first vowel in combination with the other 11 letters of the alphabet (ל-ת: ל, מ/ם, נ/ן, ס, על, פ/ף, צ/ץ, ק, ר, שלא).
In the course Alphabet – part III your child will learn the S’va (שווא), repeat the 22 letters of the alphabet, start writing 2 to 3 letter words and learn how to write the writing letters.
Start: 22 April 2025 - End: 15 July 2025
Holiday: 29 April