Turkish-Dutch intercambio – Kaynaş Club edition - Taalhuis Amsterdam

Turkish-Dutch intercambio – Kaynaş Club edition

Bizimle Türkçenizi veya Hollandacanızı geliştirmek ister misiniz? O zaman sizi dil alışverişimize bekliyoruz. Türkçe ve Hollandaca öğretmenlerimiz sizi ağırlamaktan mutluluk duyacak!

Wil je je Turks of Nederlands oefenen? Kom dan naar deze taaluitwisseling. Onze docenten Turks en Nederlands zijn jullie hosts!

Turkish-Dutch intercambio and Turkish language helpdesk at Melkweg

Calling all Turkish and Dutch learners! On Saturday, February 1, we are meeting at Melkweg for a Turkish-Dutch intercambio (language exchange) before a very special night dedicated to Anatolian music, presented by Kaynaş Club!

We will gather at the EXPO space for a 45-minute intercambio. Once the intercambio wraps up and the concerts begin, our Turkish teachers, Filiz and Yüsra, will be stationed at the Turkish language helpdesk in UP BAR ready to answer your questions. Find them to master the lyrics of your favorite Turkish song or learn how to express something in Turkish. You can ask them anything related to the Turkish language.

The intercambio is open to everyone and completely free, but we kindly ask that you register using the form on this page. If you’d like to stay and enjoy the festival after the intercambio, tickets can be purchased directly from the festival website.

Attention! We will give away two times two free tickets to the festival to lucky students who sign up for a Turkish course for adults or children.

19:15-20:00 – Turkish-Dutch intercambio at EXPO space
20:00-23:00 – Turkish language helpdesk in UP BAR

1 Şubat’ta görüşmek üzere! – Tot 1 Februari!

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