Sea, endless beaches, olive trees, mountains, thick forests with oak, maple and chestnut trees and characteristic villages with stone houses covered by grey or green slate roofs: the area around the Pelion mountain has it all. In the main city, Volos, you can sit down with a local tsipouro and dream away, gazing at the sea, where Jason once set shore with the Argo. Not too far away you’ll find the village of Zagora – hometown of our Greek teacher Stefania.
Greek lessons in the local high school
Last July we went there on a language trip, with intensive courses in the building of the local high school. In three hours of Greek lessons per day, the A1.1 mastered the alphabet and got to make their first sentences in Greek, while the A2 students worked on their verb skills and studied local mythology in Greek!
Afternoon activities
The afternoons were spent strolling through the mountains, exploring the Aegean sea and the caves full of myths and cooking local delicacies.
Visiting the library of Zagora

Cooking “κολοκυθοανθούς”
Presenting Greek skills during the last dinner
And we even got a visit from the mayor of Zagora and made it to the newspaper!
A beautiful week proving that… Education never goes out of fashion!