Did you follow courses up to A1 level, but do you need some more practice with what you’ve learned before moving on to the new grammar of A2? Are you struggling with verb conjugation and sentence structure? Have you learned about the past tenses, but do you not feel confident using them yet? Or did you start learning Dutch by yourself, using apps, podcasts or songs, but are you lacking some grammatical knowledge? This deepening course is a good way to repeat, practise and deepen your knowledge and fluency around the themes of the A1 level.
In this course you’ll become more confident in using the basic grammar and vocabulary that you need in daily life, for example to order food, do your groceries and go for dinner. You’ll use role plays to internalise frequently used sentence structures and vocabulary. Furthermore, the basic grammatical topics, such as plurals, adjectives, modal verbs and the past tenses, will be repeated.
In the first lesson you will receive a syllabus for this course. The syllabus is included in the price.
To make sure before the first lesson that it is indeed the right course for all participants, a (free) level assessment with one of the Dutch teachers is required before enrolling in this course. If you haven’t been referred to this course after a level assessment or by your previous teacher, please contact us at info@taalhuisamsterdam.nl to schedule a level assessment before registering.
Begin: 13 januari 2025 - Einde: 7 april 2025
Holiday: 17 February