In this course, you’ll learn how to talk about your habits and hobbies, skills and abilities, and also how to give advice, ask for permission, and make predictions and requests in different situations. In addition, you will talk about natural events, traveling, books, and movies.
The following grammar topics are covered in this course:
• ‘Geniş zaman’ (simple present tense) for habits, general facts, and future actions
• ‘Yeterlik fiili’ for skills, abilities, possibilities, and polite requests
• The suffix ‘-DIR’ and various functions of it
• ‘Zarf-fiiller’ – adverbs made from verbs by the use of ‘-(y)Ip’ and ‘mAdAn’
This course covers chapters 5-6 of ‘Yeni Istanbul A2’.
Istanbul is a Turkish language method for adults that adopts a communicative approach in language learning.
€ 39,00