Merhaba book lovers!
Are you a Turkish learner or speaker who also loves literature?
In this Turkish book club you will find a great variety of language input – from the book, the group and the teacher – and you will talk about different themes and topics with other students who are as passionate about Turkish literature and culture as you. Your homework is to read a few pages of the book every week (around 35 pages per week) which, during the lesson, you will discuss with the group. You will be challenged by engaging activities themed around the book, the language and the characters. This Turkish book club is the perfect way to practice the language in an interesting and exciting way.
Bu dönem, Alper Canıgüz’ün modern Türk edebiyatının harika bir örneği olan ‘Gizli Ajans’ (2013) kitabını okuyacaksınız. Bu kitap, temiz kalpli bir ev arkadaşıyla yaşayan ve her türden insanla (güzel gözlü bir sanat yönetmeni, ateşli bir sekreter, ağlak bir yaratıcı yönetmen ve kötü bir patron kedi ile) birlikte sıradan bir ofiste çalışan sıradan bir yazarın hikayesini anlatan bir gerilim romanı.
This course is suitable for students with a B1 level and higher.
Start: 25 April 2025 - End: 4 July 2025
Holiday: 2 May
€ 14,00