Spanish-Dutch intercambio (language exchange)

Spanish-Dutch intercambio (language exchange)

¿Quieres practicar español o neerlandés? ¡Pues ven a este intercambio de idiomas! Nuestros profesores, Alberto (español) y Johannes (neerlandés), son vuestros anfitriones.

Wil je je Spaans of Nederlands oefenen? Kom dan naar deze taaluitwisseling. Onze docenten Alberto (Spaans) en Johannes (Nederlands) zijn jullie hosts!

Cost: € 5,- (one drink included)

If you would like to join, you can register below. Please let us know in the remarks which language you’d like to practise, your proficiency level in both languages and (if you are a Taalhuis student) in which group you are.


Spanish-Dutch intercambio (language exchange)

Friday 28 February 2025

Gerard Doustraat 220
€ 5,00 Register now

¡Nos vemos el 28 de febrero!

What kind of Spanish do you speak?

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