Storytelling is a powerful tool used in many contexts within our society. From communities to businesses, for people of all ages, Storytelling proves its value, for example, to strengthen identity, guide changes or to give shape to the past. Also in language teaching, Storytelling is often used as s tool to develop receptive and productive skills, to engage students in relatable real-life activities and to do all of this in an enjoyable way. Taalhuis Amsterdam, in collaboration with Storytelling Centre, invites you to this 2 days workshop. Thanks to interactive and engaging activities Arjen Barel will guide us to discover the use of Storytelling in language lessons, so that all teachers might take home some very practical tools to try in their lessons.
This training for language teachers consists of two sessions:
Saturday 11th of March and Saturday 25th of March, from 10.00h to 13.00h
Program 11.3.2023
Introduction and warm-up with storytelling activities
Introduction in Storytelling
Interactive introduction in the neuro-scientific principles behind the use of storytelling in language learning
Examples and practice: Storytelling activities in language learning
Program 25.03.2023
Short introduction in the Alternative Ways method
Interactive introduction in even more storytelling activities in language learning
Practicing with stories
How can you involve storytelling in your teaching? How to make a program?
We strongly advise to attend both trainings as they will be tightly connected and differentiated. However, if for any reason you can only be present to one of the appointments you can let us know.