Learning Dutch on Schiermonnikoog: "Ik doe het toch, met moed!" - Taalhuis Amsterdam

Learning Dutch on Schiermonnikoog: “Ik doe het toch, met moed!”

Learning a language works best when there is a lot of input and a lot of output. To immerse themselves in the Dutch language and culture completely, our students joined Dutch teachers Una, Janneke, Ella and Myrte for 4 days on the most remote island of the Netherlands, Schiermonnikoog. Surrounded by Unesco world heritage nature (Waddenzee, lepelaars, zeehonden, rotganzen) and unique island culture (fietsen, Claerkampster kloosterbitter, kibbeling) we learned and used Dutch 24/7.

After speak dates to get to know each other, we had our welcome dinner at Hotel van der Werff, where time seems to stand still.

The rest of the weekend the mornings were filled with lessons at the Aude Kolonyhus and the afternoons with an excursion and working on the Schiermonnikoog bingo.

The evenings were filled with food, drinks, playing ‘Weerwolven’ and exploring the island disco.

Speaking a new language can be scary and hard, but our student Mylinda came up with the best motto: “Ik doe het toch, met moed!”

Have a look at our little after-movie (credits for the edits to Jaap!) and stay tuned for the next trip to Schiermonnikoog!

And this is what the students said:

“It was such a special trip: the island itself, the teachers, and the other participants. Since then, I have been using Dutch much more actively in my daily life, and with pleasure. And I met some souls on the island whom I believe will remain connected with for the rest of my life.” 
Roni Bulent Ozel


“I have expected that the trip would be a unique experience. The location, enthusiastic group of people, supportive and attentive teachers all made my journey a long-lasting impression. I finally started actually speak Dutch, not just read it 🙏 We are still in touch with the students and it’s such a pleasure to continue learning the language together.”


“I found out about it through the leaflet. I joined simply because I love Schiermonnikoog, so didn’t care much about the course. However, the content, the care and the organisation was amazing. And the experience has changed my relationship with the language dramatically.”

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