Have you mastered the past tenses in Italian, the subordinate and the conditional? And would you like to learn to express yourself more spontaneously? In this course you’ll speak easily about Italian modern society, about advantages and disadvantages of urban and rural life and learn to give advice, formulate hypotheses about the past and talk about your experiences. You will learn about Italian culture in its full breadth: from literature to society and environment, religion and even superstitions!
The following grammar topics are covered in this course (and more):
• Congiuntivo passato e imperfetto
• Prima che / come se + congiuntivo
• Forma impersonale riflessiva
• Forma passiva con essere e con venire
• Prefissi -dis /-in /-s etc.
• Frasi causali
This course covers chapter 4-7 of ‘Dieci B1’.
Dieci B1 libro
€ 40,00