Do you want to be able to communicate in all kinds of situations and about different topics? Do you already have a solid knowledge of Italian grammar but need to study some specific forms? In this course you will develop your communicative skills needed in different kinds of situations, to express doubts, desire, to ask explanations or to report what you have heard, or talk about the future as an Italian would do. Besides you will learn about Italian culture and design, about Italian working culture and habits.
The following grammar topics are covered in this course (and more):
Futuro anteriore
• Appen/dopo che + futuro
• Aggettivi e sostantivi alterati: -ino/-etto/-one/-uccio etc.
• Frasi interrogative indirette
• Condizionale passato
• Participio presente
• Penso che/di
This course covers chapter 8-10 of ‘Dieci B1’.
Dieci B1 libro
€ 40,00