Are you from a German speaking country or do you have a (near) native knowledge of the German language? Then you’ll probably be able to learn Dutch faster than other students, thanks to the many similarities between our languages. We will use your German knowledge as a starting point and focus on the differences between German and Dutch.
In this first course you’ll build your vocabulary and learn the basic structure of the Dutch language. You’ll speak in both present and past tense, will learn how to conjugate adjectives and how to make comparisons. The teacher will exclusively speak Dutch and will encourage you to talk right from the start. You’ll practice using Dutch in various social situations, such as in bars and restaurants, at the doctor’s office and the bike repair shop.
This course covers chapter 1-10 of ‘Nederlands in Gang’.
Start: 24 April 2025 - End: 24 July 2025
Holiday: 1 & 29 May
This book is used in the A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 & A2.2 course.
€ 49,50