Learn a language at Taalhuis Amsterdam – About



Courses & registration

When do the new courses start?
Most courses (classes 1x per week) start in September, January and April. Intensive courses (classes 2x per week) and a couple of shorter (conversation) courses start in September, November, January, February/March, April & June. In July and August we have ‘Summer Immersions’ for selected languages. Sometimes we organize an extra course outside of this schedule if it’s in high demand. So it’s always useful to inform us if you can’t wait to start! Send an email to info@taalhuisamsterdam.nl.
How do I enrol in a course?
You can enrol in a course by choosing the language you’d like to learn and selecting your level. If you’ve found the course you like: click on the ‘register’ button and fill out the form. You can pay directly with iDeal or creditcard, or you can request an invoice.
How do I find the right level?
Please have a look at the level descriptions on our website. The beginners courses are called ‘A1’ (full level) or A1.1 (half level, some languages) and we indicate which chapters of which books are covered in each course, which might be useful if you’ve already used the book. If you’re not sure, or haven’t studied for a long time: contact us! Send an email to info@taalhuisamsterdam.nl and we’ll be in touch to advise you by email, telephone or arrange an intake meeting for you.
What is the meaning of the A/B/C-codes in the course descriptions?
Our course titles are based on the Common European Framework of Reference. We refer to the target level (end level) of the course.
In which language is my course taught?
Our teachers use the target language as much as possible – even from the very beginning! – and invite you to do the same. If necessary English and/or Dutch can be used as a supporting language.
Where will my course take place?
You can find the location for each course next to the location icon in the course offer. Courses with location 'Online' will be taught via ZOOM. Courses with the location 'Gerard Doustraat 220' will be taught in the school. If required by circumstances or RIVM guidelines, we reserve the right to move scheduled lessons online (temporarily).
When are the holidays/is there no class?
Christmas holidays: from 23 Dec., Spring break: 17-23 Febr., Easter holidays: 14-21 April, May holiday: 28 April-4 May, Ascension Day: 29 May, Pentecost: 8-9 June, Summer holidays: from 28 July.


What are your prices?
You can find the price of your course next to the course. We aim to keep our courses accessible for as many people as possible. For those who need it, there is a 10% discount. Please select ‘invoice’ as payment method when you register and inform us of the reason (e.g. fulltime student/unemployed) on your registration form to find out if you’re eligible for the discount. You can also choose to pay a bit more, to support our lessons for refugees in cooperation with ASKV. If, for example, ten students choose our extra fee, we’ll be able to admit a refugee to a course for free.
How can I pay?
When you register for a course or an event you can choose to pay directly via iDEAL or credit card (please note that there's an additional charge of 11,50 EUR for payments with credit card), or you can request an invoice. If you need an invoice for your employer or your own administration, please select 'payment by invoice' when you register. When you pay via iDEAL or credit card we do not generate an invoice.
How can I get an invoice for my employer?
If you've agreed with your employer that they will pay for your course, please select 'payment by invoice' when you register and put the company name/address in the comment section. We will email you the invoice with the company details to forward to your employer.
Can I pay in instalments?
Yes, you can! If you select ‘payment with invoice’ you can pay in a maximum of three instalments. The first payment needs to be made within fourteen days of receiving your invoice (and before the start of the course). The last payment needs to be made at the latest two weeks before the end of the course/within three months (whichever comes first). Please use your invoice number with each payment, so we know it’s yours!
Did you receive my payment?
Unfortunately we don’t have the capacity to email each individual student if their payment was received. Please refer to your own bank statement as proof of payment. If we haven’t received your payment, or can’t trace it back to you because you’ve forgotten to use your invoice number, we will contact you.
What is your account number?
NL82TRIO0197853730 (BIC: TRIONL2U) and since we're talking about numbers: KVK NR. 77915240 VAT NR. NL861196399B01


How do I cancel my course registration?
We understand that things can change and you might need to cancel your participation in the course. You can do so by sending an email to info@taalhuisamsterdam.nl. Cancellations are free of charge if you cancel two weeks before the start of the course at the latest. If you cancel in the two weeks before the start of the course, an administration fee of €50,- applies. If you cancel after the start of the course, your course fee still needs to be paid as we’ve counted on your participation and have saved you a seat. For this same reason it is not possible to transfer your registration to a later course after the start of the course you've registered for. (See our terms and conditions).
How do I cancel/reschedule my private or catch-up class?
If you need to cancel or reschedule a private or catch-up class, you can do so free of charge until 48 hours before the lesson. You can cancel by contacting both your teacher and info@taalhuisamsterdam.nl. Private and catch-up classes that are cancelled within 48 hours of the lesson can not be rescheduled and will be invoiced.
I can't come to class, what do I do?
If you can’t come to class, please inform your teacher. They will send you the homework and you can keep up with the group for the next class. If you feel you’ve missed too much or are a bit behind, you can schedule a private catch-up class. These catch-up classes are €55,- per hour (instead of our regular private lesson fee of €80,- per hour).
Can I get a discount/refund for missing classes?
Missed classes cannot be refunded. When you register for a course, we save you a seat and count on you to be there. At Taalhuis we work with small groups and small margins, so we can unfortunately not accommodate your personal schedule within the group courses. We do offer private lessons if your schedule doesn’t allow full commitment for weekly classes!
Can I cancel my event ticket?
We appreciate it if you inform us that you won't attend, but tickets for events are non-refundable and non-transferable to another event. You can, however, give your ticket to a friend. If you do so, we'd appreciate it if you inform us that they will be attending instead of you.
Can I cancel my trip registration?
We're sorry to hear you won't be joining us on our Taalhuis trip! For most trips we ask for a non-refundable deposit upon registration. You can cancel without additional extra costs until a month before departure. Bookings that are cancelled within a month of departure are unfortunately non-refundable and need to be paid in full.

Taalhuis Amsterdam

Where is your school located?
From January 2025 Taalhuis is located at Gerard Doustraat 220. This is where you'll find our classrooms, our bookstore, library and café. Feel free to drop in, or make an appointment via info@taalhuisamsterdam.nl.
How do I reach your location?
Our school building is easy to reach by public transport and of course by bike. We do not have our own parking space and because we are located in the centre of Amsterdam, finding a parking spot in the vicinity might be tricky.
How accessible is your building?
To enter our building you need to climb two steps. Our classrooms are located on the first and second floor and are only accessible via the staircase. There is no lift.

Other questions? Contact us anytime.

Find us in the heart of Amsterdam, in De Pijp!

Gerard Doustraat 220
13 spacious classrooms

Meet our teachers

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